Discover the key aspects of the Liver Function Test Campaign:
1️⃣ Understanding Liver Function: Uncover the vital role the liver plays in your overall well-being and the importance of regular liver function tests in detecting early signs of liver dysfunction.
2️⃣ Test Parameters: Learn about the various parameters evaluated in a liver test, including liver enzymes, bilirubin, albumin, and more, and understand how they reflect the liver’s health and functionality.
3️⃣ Detecting Liver Disorders: Gain insights into common liver conditions such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver disease, and how liver function tests aid in their diagnosis and monitoring.
4️⃣ Lifestyle Modifications: Explore lifestyle changes and preventive measures you can adopt to promote liver health, including diet, exercise, and avoiding harmful substances. #LiverFunctionTest #LiverHealthMatters #NisargaDiagnostic #HealthAndWellness #TakeChargeOfYourHealth #nitashhhealthawareness